I Can't Settle

In photography generally, sometimes i just want to challenge myself doing something new. As an example, if i browse a home living or interior blog with it's beautiful clean photos, i spontaneously just craving to make my own interior photographs. It's like my personal achievement that if i see my hard disk full of photo file and realize that i haven't had that one particular photography as my portfolio photography, i just want to make one, a really good one, experience it, how to make it good and all it's creative process.

But at the other hand, i want to be recognized with a bold signature style of photography, my own style. it doesn't have to be original, but it must some kind representing or reflecting my 'true me' on photography world.

In some way, it become confusing. a half of me wanting to explore many style of photography, but the other half of me wants to keep bold in one signature style.

Disclaimer: i am a photo enthusiast, therefore i love every style of photography because i love photography in general. i won't and i can't settle, i will try as many as i can go. And if i found it, my heart will tell it. 

Enjoy the rest of the photos.

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