Potret Analog: Roll 14

The sun makes Superman grow stronger, and for me, golden sun makes everything i had seen more beautiful than ever (and i know my grammar is sucks) :|

Waktu kecil, kalo lagi main ke sawah atau ladang rerumputan, pasti suka mencari ada apa didalam rumput-rumput itu. Apakah ada kota yang isinya adalah serangga-serangga dan dominasi jenis semut, dan kalo nemu, suka wondering what if kalo gue jadi sekecil semut dan hidup didalam "hutan" rumput-rumput ini. Dan sekarang suka juga kalo ngambil angle foto sebawah mungkin, kamera disimpan di tanah dan mewujudkan imajinasi masa kecil ^^

Gue paling suka dengan ruang tajam yang sempit, lebih dramatis if i may say and easily deliver what i want you to get, my point of interest.

It turns a bit of dreamy.

The wind blows atau the winds blow? | do you know when you realize that the nature is so beautiful and connect each other and also being connected with us, all you have to do is just being connected and have a joy with it. You just simply want to make it as it is.

Do you realize that some of my picture is just a repost? does that makes me a bad blogger? :(

Kalo aku jadi semut, aku akan mendaki kepuncak bunga ini and feel like a king, auwo!!

Kind of lost.

Hujan tidak pernah gagal membawa suasana mellow, even when you are alone in the middle of your way back to your home, starving and all you can see is just a... tukang mie rebus! heaven on earth.

Seringkah kamu jika melihat seseorang atau melihat suatu rumah, lalu tiba-tiba berfikir dan berandai-andai menjadi orang itu, tinggal dirumah itu dan mengalami banyak hal pada posisi kehidupannya? aku sering. Mostly makes me realize that whatever you are right now, you deserve to being grateful. It's not easy to become someone else, but some said that, being ourself is not that easy either. You live everyday as long as God give you the life, but it's a waste if you just being someone else, because you just can't.

Are you a loner?or just pretending to be a social creature?

We all have our own big problem.

Be the king at the peak. Enjoy the landscape and don't forget pretending to be a giant. A mighty giant.

Bingung deh captionnya apa,hhehe..

And suddenly you feel that you are the giant that can rule that city. Congratulation!


blogging itu kadang rasanya kriik..kriiik.. tapi dengan adanya komen, even just one short saying, will mean the world! really!